The TLC Way is how we do business. It articulates our purpose, vision and values, which together help us achieve our aim to be recognised as the region’s most successful logistics provider in the industries we service.

We believe our primary purpose is to connect people and products. Our vision guides us in our efforts to achieve this. And our values articulate what we stand for and how we will act. Together they keep us focused on what is important: our people, our customers and our wider community.


To provide dependable solutions that help find, drive and achieve value for our customers, suppliers and people. 


We have three behavioural based values that triangulate and promote our vision. These Values are designed to ensure a common understanding of the critical behaviour standards required for successful performance at TLC, creating a structure beneficial for all involved.

Our 3 key values are:

  1. Trust
  2. Loyalty
  3. Consistency

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